Venezuelan President Stays With the Working Class in Their Assembly

President Maduro during the Assembly of Workers , July 17, 2024 Photo: @PresidencialVen

July 17, 2024 Hour: 4:20 pm

The president addressed the creation of an anti-lock law for the benefit of the working class and pledged to build three million more houses, apart from those that have already been delivered.

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, attends this Wednesday the Working Class Assembly that takes place in the Monumental Stadium of Caracas (capital).

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 “If it had not been for the working class we would not have overcome the hard moments” said in the Assembly of support of the working class to his candidacy, Nicolás Maduro.

“In this assembly of the working class, the first thing I have to do is thank my working class for all the support, love, strength they have given me and that they give me,” he said.

The Head of State specified that the hard times experienced during the pandemic, caused the Government of Venezuela to achieve «the reins of a new economy, an economy for growth, supply, to create wealth».

In that sense, he greeted the Productive Councils of Workers (CPTT) and highlighted that last June, the country achieved the lowest inflation rate in 39 years, a robust exchange system, and the recovery of the bolivar with national production.

We have to recover the quality and standard of living of the working class integrally: income, housing, health, transport, and advance in the integral recovery of all collective contracts to adapt them to a new future time. That’s why I call them to debate and action», the president urged.

In that sense, he called a work table that should start next Monday at the Miraflores Palace, to debate the issue of the Anti-lock Law for the benefit of the working class, at the same time that it proposed the commissioning of the new digital bank with flexible credits to mitigate the effects of the economic war because of the US blockade against the South American country..

«The Bicentenary Bank becomes the Digital Bank of workers and workers and we will create a special financing plan for things that the family needs directly; but also for enterprises»said the head of state and announced the creation of a plan called Credinómina for the benefit of the working class.

Similarly, he argued that such a digital system will also be conducive to workers’ access to medical services. The president detailed that by 2025 will deepen in the new digital family health system, which allows them to access sustainable health services and quality, through payroll and card.

The Head of State also announced the delivery to Greater Caracas of 226 units for the public transport system Metrobús, while assuring that he ordered two thousand modern units “because in the next twelve months I will found Metrobus Nacional, so that it reaches all cities and towns”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: teleSURtv